Monday, May 9, 2016


Nigeria can never be a nation until the constituent parts resolve the conditions under which the units can coexist as an indivisible entity. Several attempts made in the past through constitutional and/or national conferences fell short of achieving the desired goals because of the exclusion of germane and very fundamental aspects considered to be "no-go areas",  as well as insincerity on the part of the conveners, amongst a myriad of other factors.

The system that currently subsists breeds and perpetuates only mutual suspicion, and is at the root of everything that is wrong with this country, including corruption. I singled out corruption because this government's attempt to nip it in the bud, though commendable despite its one-sided outlook, is just like treating the symptom rather than the disease.

Unfortunately, the much touted change by this President Buhari's government, has ended up being much of the same, as after getting into power, the government appeared to have found that the path to nationhood is Herculean (though not necessarily unattainable), thinking only to make do with the system they met on ground, rather than employ a more radical and holistic approach in tackling the challenges of nationhood and nation building.

I understand the fears expressed in certain quarters, that a Sovereign National Conference without "No-Go Areas" can birth a situation where delegates may propose a split of the country into it's constituent parts, and the possibility is high especially if one considers the "self determination" struggles in the Southeast region, which has once before gone to war to press for same, or the now resuscitated restiveness in the South-South region with militant groups on the prowl, of which one of the demands of the group championing the present attacks on Nigeria's major source of revenue been a National Conference along the lines many Nigerians have been advocating, a clear departure from the agitations of the past, which was "resource control".


But if people of a country do not want to be part of it, why shouldn't their demand be acceded to, especially if there are democratic means by which such sentiments can be gauged for level of acceptance? South Sudan did it, even in the United Kingdom, Scotland tested the popularity of their independence campaign but lost, so why should Nigeria continue to shut the door to such a proposal, while inundating the ears of the comity of nations with such sad and unfortunate news that continue to point to the fact only, that the people would rather not smell the scent of those of a different tribe or religion if they can help it, expressing that desire in the most violent of ways at every given opportunity.

It is why any so called change that doesn't factor the reorganization of the entity called Nigeria, with the implementation of recommendations from a tete-a-tete of the nations that make it up is NO CHANGE, but a perpetuation of same old ideas that has brought us to the unenviable position we are today. If only we could find that bold and charismatic leader, with a party that believes in same objectives that will find the political will (or just manage to pull the majority of the Nigerian people in that regard in making that superior argument), to take this bull by the horn, to do the necessary that's needed to turn Nigeria in the path it should take to attain a federal, or Confederacy status, or even a split into it's major parts, as it is apparent that this pseudo-federal, unitary system cannot yield any good beyond the bit that it has so far afforded, while the fragile attachments continue to loosen further by the day.




  1. The truth is that we cannot continue to live in self-denial. Nigeria is paying a heavy price for running a ‘natural' federation like a unitary state. Our federation over the years has effectively denied the component nationalities with their abilities to compete with each other and actualise their full potential. The renewed agitation reminds us that Nigeria must be remade into a proper federation. Fiscal federalism, state police and state control of natural resources that were evident in the First Republic will facilitate rapid development, better inter-group relations and national cohesion. Crucially, these will remove violent agitation for secession from the streets and unsavoury operators onto the political mainstream. PMB must realise that unless the country is restructured, periodic agitation (sometimes going violent) for separation or autonomy will continue to recur and there'll be no peace in the lands.



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