Monday, August 21, 2017


The best way to deal with blackmailers is to undermine them by releasing what they think they have on you. Literally taking the story from under their control, by taking the initiative to proactively own the narrative, practically taking the wind out of the blackmailer's sails.

David Letterman did it, when an attempt was made to blackmail him over allegations of him having sex with a female staff of his show, intending to extort him, or have the story leaked to the media, and he simply went ahead and told his story himself on his show, apologized to his wife and others who might have been disappointed by his indiscretion, and his blackmailers got zilch.

When hackers threatened to leak the sixth episode in the currently running seventh season of Game Of Thrones, after successfully doing same to episodes before it this season, except some demands of theirs are met, HBO simply leaked it online, rather than yield to the demands of the hackers.

Hence, in the examples cited above, the BOSS way to deal with blackmail and blackmailers, and still come out of it heads held high is to undermine the underminers. There's always this feeling in the minds of close watchers of incidents of blackmail, that there's no smoke without fire, when there's hesitation on the side of the victim to state his/her own side of the story, believable or not, or in resolving to go to court, more so when  both sides now go ahead to settle out of court with "gag" clauses attached to agreements reached.


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