Sunday, March 20, 2016


This Branch stayed firm when the ones before him broke,
To restore waning hopes for possibilities,
The activation of an alternative didn't blight his light,
From shining out of obscurity even from childhood,
Like a Rose from Concrete.

He wasn't stopped by a civil war,
Adversities only provided him launchpads to excel,
He enjoyed life but abhorred excesses,
A true family man who would do everything legitimate to protect his own,
Like the Lion in his Lair.

A loving father not wont to spoil his children,
Nor spare us his rod of correction,
Aimed solely at pointing us in the right path,
Leaving us with nothing but gratitude for those days,
Of cautioning with the left and drawing back with the right.

He had mastery of the rare combination of being both soft and strong,
Navigating through business and religious calling seamlessly,
Without compromising his principles,
To the admiration of all who encountered him,
And to the glory of Almighty Yahweh.

Even when his body began to fail him,
His spirit wouldn't be dampened,
Neither did his demeanour fall,
Rather he laughed at his condition,
While doing all he could to help his situation.

He understood and respected Yahweh's will for him,
And when it was time for him to go,
He maintained a silence for a fortnight,
So we could reflect on all he'd had a lifetime to share and say to us,
And in his last seconds gestured to us to indicate his passing.

He has played his part,
Ours it is the next to play,
As his works become the stuff legacies are made of,
He was, and was not,
For YAHWEH took him.

Obiadi Nna'm, Sir Micky Jagger, je nke oma!


- http://www.the


  1. Splendid poem from you. I hope this can be read as an eulogy for his final burial rite. Once again, may his soul RIPP!



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