Monday, September 14, 2015


The FEAST OF TRUMPETS (CHAG ROSH HASHANAH in the Hebrew) has come and gone, and I suppose that Jewry worldwide marked it with great pomp, even as the Jewish New Year of 5776 is welcomed. At no time has the spiritual blowing of the trumpet (YOM TERUAH in the Hebrew) become more pertinent than now, especially in accordance with the instructions in Leviticus 23 : 24 that this feast be "...a MEMORIAL of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation", not the mere physical blowing of trumpets without taking into cognizance the connotations.

Yahshua's directive for us to "WATCH and PRAY" (Matthew 26:14) couldn't be more timely, especially when the feast of Trumpets is viewed in the light of it's APOCALYPTIC SIGNIFICANCE, as regards the prophetic writings of John in the Book of Revelations while on the Island of Patmos. I had written about other aspects of the Feast of Trumpets last week in "THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS | madukovich's cogitations", in case you will like to furnish yourself about the origins of the feast, as prelude to this missive. In that, as with the one I had written years ago about the feast, I had made mention of the use of the trumpet as an object of alarm, to alert the children of YAHWEH to events of the time.

As it was in the past, so we are told it shall be in time to come, only that there is high likelihood that the trumpets sound of the time to come will be inaudible not only to the ears, but even to the hearts and mind not attuned to it. John speaks about seven angels been handed seven trumpets in his vision in Revelations Chapter 8, this after the seventh seal (meant to herald events for the end time, in Chapter 7) was opened. The sounding of each trumpet signaling events of an apocalyptic nature, like

that about the wiping out of a third of trees and plants, of animals, of aquatic life, even of humanity following events such as meteors (described by John as a great mountain burning with fire - Revelations 8:8) cast into the sea (of which a third of it became blood) even disrupting international trade via the seas, or of a star falling upon the third part of rivers and fountains of waters (or better still, "potable water source") leaving the water "bitter", more appropriately "poisonous", such that those who drank of it died; or the smiting of the sun and moon such that a third of them became darkened, leading to longer nights and less than eight hours of day.

John spoke yet of another star falling onto the earth and rather than creating a "crater" (the likes of which we are familiar with, and relate to events that occurred on earth millenia ago), he described as having "the key to the bottomless pit" (Revelations 9:1), in that it bore a hole into the earth so deep that it appeared like it made an endless pit out of which proceeded smoke as with what we experienced in 2010 when the Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupted in Iceland and disrupted air travel for days on end, only that in this case beyond the smoke a creature like a scorpion came out of the smoke and tormented men (except those who have YAHWEH's seal on their foreheads - Revelations 9:4) for five months without killing them, of which men sought death but death fled from them (Revelations 9:6).

The description of the terror continues even unto Chapter 10 of Revelations, with John foretelling that all of this calamity will not change the mind of the people towards their creator, as like now they will find a natural cause, even science to describe all that is happening, but YAHWEH's people will know, as though the events might be similar to the natural events we are familiar with today, the scale of destruction will be monumental in scope, such as has never been neither will be. Interestingly, Christendom conjured "RAPTURE" out of the blues (of which there is no single mention of anything of the sort anywhere in the scriptures) to "make" Christians disappear and be sequestered somewhere in the skies till these things pass.

As for the believability of what may appear to many as ridiculous and "COCK & BULL", my take is this- Daniel's prophecies where thought of in much the same way, but only a few verses of his visions are yet to come to pass, while the much of it has come to pass over time, as we continue to live in the time he described in his prophecies (a topic for another day). Such was the accuracy of Daniels' prophecies that even the minutiae of the details he mentioned especially as regards the empires that will rule this world have all come to pass, amongst other prophecies, even when I doubt he (like John)understood many of the things he saw and wrote. What we should now do, after the feast is not to be tired of getting ourselves prepared by reading between the lines of world events and how the words of scripture we have heard fit in, so we won't be caught unawares by happenings that will suggest that a trumpet has just sounded, and to know how to appropriately respond. Shalom!


- "THE WORD OF YAHWEH" Copyright 2000


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